The #1 Job Site to Find
U.S.-based Job Opportunities
from Visa-friendly Companies

Make your American Dream come true

Find Your Job in the USA as a Foreigner,
Get a Visa Sponsorship

As a foreign national looking for a job in the United States, you face to the inability to work in the United States. Here lies the big catch-22 for international professionals; your future U.S.-based employer is the one that has to sponsor you for a work visa. But... do companies keep telling you they do not offer sponsorship?

For over 6 years of experience, we know how to help you have a faster, and easier job search. Just as we’ve helped hundreds of people, let us help you! Our mission is for you to have a top-notch job search experience on the U.S. labor market by providing you with high potential visa sponsorship jobs... and beyond!

Our 70k+ Jobs are:

  • From 200k companies that regularly hire and sponsor foreign employees for a work visa
    It concerns H-1B, H-1B1, E-3, O-1. We analyzed each company, and only keep jobs from companies that hired at least 20 employees per year in your job category, in the last three years. We update the companies every year, when the data are officially published by the U.S. government.
  • In 20 occupational categories for which companies hire and sponsor
    We cross the data and only show jobs at companies that regularly hire and sponsor foreign employees in your career field.
  • Screened for potential visa sponsorship
    We filter out all jobs where it mentions they do not offer sponsorship and only keep the one they mention they do, or they do not mention anything.
  • Located in every U.S. State and territory
    Our open jobs can be everywhere in the United States.
  • Always fresh
    We make sure our job site is always up to date by checking every day, and remove expire jobs.

Get your job faster, easier, with less stress and more support!
We currently have 70k+ U.S.-based jobs from 200k+ visa-friendly companies

Benefits of Using USponsorMe

Save time and energy by:

  • Getting feedbacks from employers following your applications
  • No longer hearing from employers "we do not offer visa sponsorship"
  • Not being constrain to negotiate your visa nor any kind with employers

Great hiring employers offering work visa sponsorship

Professionals from all over the world with no U.S. passport

Professionals based everywhere in the world

Professionals who have no work authorization nor permanent residency for the United States yet

Professionals who needs a job offer from a U.S.-based employer to get a work visa or work authorization

Who Should Use USponsorMe

Global professionals looking for a job in the United States at a company willing to sponsor the work visa, and who:

  • graduated for a bachelor's degree or equivalent, or have 3 years experience per missing study years, or can show extraordinary abilities
  • want to pursue the same career field as their study, experience or extraordinary abilities as stated above
  • are engineers, scientists, postdoctorals, accountants, etc. (list not exhaustive). In other words, professionals who have open jobs for them on USponsorMe  

How It Works


See If You Qualify

  • Signup
  • Complete your profile

It will automatically calculate your visa options and tell you if you are eligible for H1B, O1, E3 or TN visa, and the job titles you have to target


See Opportunities & Get Notified

  • Search for jobs and see if we have current jobs for you
  • Set up your job alert to get notified when we have jobs for you
  • Complete your USponsorMe resume to get notified by employers willing to connect with you

You will receive by email, jobs of the week and jobs that align with your resume


Manage Your Job Search

  • Save jobs you are interested and track it
  • Apply for jobs and track it
  • Followup with recruiters
  • Track your job interviews

Most Frequent Questions

When should I start my job search? How long does it take to find a U.S.-based job and get a visa?

How do I know if I need a job offer from a U.S.-based employer to get a work visa or work authorization?


I feel very in touch with all the advice you give. I do not regret my investment because I learned lots of things!

Irène M. - Monetization and Partnerships Manager

Congratulations on your USponsor Me blog, I know that you and Maxime spend a lot of time on it. In any case, it is a great tool very well developed, and the videos are fantastic! I'm waiting for the next seasonal job offers in September, thank you for your dedication, your good mood, and your professionalism.

Jerome B. - Storekeeper

I was able to appreciate your database, it is a remarkable job you have done. I congratulate you for that. I was very pleased to see what your database can offer, and the support that you bring.

I am currently researching to gather the maximum information. I intend to launch my project in July 2019, and I was hoping to use your platform.

Helene B. - Head of Methods & Metallurgy

This training is great and I would recommend it to my friends! I would summarize the positives in three words:

* Motivation: your example shows us that it is possible, we believe it! And the tone you use in your emails is also very encouraging.

* Structuring: the modules are well put together, the information is clear and precise. All of it is presented in a way that makes it easy to find. It helps you not to be all over the place, going in all directions, as it surely would have been the case for me if I had not discovered this method ...

* Information: we have access to a wealth of information, including business listings, which I find extremely difficult to find on my own...

Lea K. - PhD Student

They offer lots of nice advice for job search and interviews, and a rich database for my job search. It is with great pleasure that I would recommend it to a friend.

Raphaëlle B. - Sales Administration Assistant

Found his job in Los Angeles - After 4 months coaching

Before starting the program with you, I massively applied online several months without any success.

Once we started the program, I got my first interviews 2 weeks after the beginning, and I got around 25 interviews during the program. Knowing my potential visa and with a strong visa pitch preparation, I finally got my job as Supply Chain Director!

Kevin S. - Supply Chain Consultant

You can not imagine the help that it has already given me. I start to project myself in a more concrete way and it feels good!

Marc P. - R&D Engineer

Found her job in Miami following 2 job offers – After 4 months coaching

I have long sought quality advice to move to the US, and Sarah made such a big difference because she has real field experience. She knows the reality, and her coaching is effective because it is based on real facts and was also very practical. Her help and expertise helped me throughout the research process. I highly recommend working with her if you want to reach your expatriation goal.

Amandine P. - Operations Assistant

Your daily blog and emails are such a treat to read, and very interesting! Please keep it up! 😉

Kevin C. - Motorist

I thank you for all your advice, because I am well aware that if I made it there, it is partly because of you and Maxime, all your articles and videos are rich in information.

Lucie M. - Business Developer

I was applying for jobs everywhere without knowing that some companies doesn't sponsor foreigners.

Thanks to Sarah, I had a lot of information about the work permit. She was very helpful et answer quickly to my questions. The good think also is that we can check which company can sponsor us before applying for.

Rania O. - Business Manager

I have been actively keeping an eye on your site and you seem to care about everyone's success. Thank you for this site, the advice you bring on various things, thank you for sharing your experiences and the optimistic views you convey.

Aude G. - Public Accountant Intern

Found her job in New York - After 2 month of the plan USponsorMe+

<#= testimonial.get('content') #>

Lola K. - Robotics | Mechatronics | Embedded Systems

USponsor Me is a complete site, a source of information and a team at your disposal that will guide you.

Dan S. - Student

Found her job in Los Angeles - After 4 months coaching

I searched for 3 months, a job in California by myself without success until I enrolled in the method and job board. Sarah's advice and thoroughness quickly helped me find my position in 4 months under a J-1. And now I'm waiting for my H-1B!

It was all thanks to Sarah’s efficiency and clear answers as well as all the tools available to find a job in the USA!

Alicia S. - Quality Safety Environment Manager

I realize that your training is the most real thing that can help me to realize my project. It really made me feel supported in my project that I see as a little crazy, or even downright nut. It encourages me to continue and not give up, believe in it and stay positive on it. I'm going at my pace. I would recommend it to a friend!

Audrey D. - Accountant

I wanted to congratulate you on your work, I really enjoy reading your emails and what you are doing to help us is very well done. I believe that your newsletter is the one that will have helped me the most of all the newsletters that I could have read before. ?

Bren A. - Marketing Student

Found his job in Detroit, Michigan - After 3 months of the plan USponsorMe+

<#= testimonial.get('content') #>

Emmanuel R. - Solid Waster Management Consultant

I truly wanted to thank you for your time. Your advice is very useful to me. I went to the site, I look at all of my options calmly and try to study them. I follow up with you as I go, you never fail me.

Woly B. - International Trade and Development

Got several job interviews - After 22 days of the plan USponsorMe+

I first wanted to congratulate you on the Sponsors Search. It's super convenient and user-friendly. And thanks to that and my resume reviewed, I already got answers, and requests for interviews!

Jean-François A. - Sales Director & Team Leader

I really wanted to congratulate you on what you are offering. Hiring and behavioral analysis are my job, and I really admire what you do! Behind all the writings and videos are real gold mines; I found the process of recruitment and analysis of employer and candidate behaviors, worthy of an HR professional. So really, my sincerest congratulations for your work!

Morgane M. - Human Ressource Consultant

There's a LOT of written + video content with tips, ways of approaching the job search. The Q&A sessions are probably what helped me most! Sarah's tips and tools prepared me and put me into the winning mindset!

David F. - Android Developer