List of Companies of My Nationality Based in the United States
In USponsor Me, you have access to a complete list of companies of your nationality based everywhere in America (in every State and Territory where there exist companies of your nationality).
You can also see the open jobs at those companies that are currently hiring. You will be able to refine your search with keywords to find the right jobs for you.
Companies of My Nationality
- In the top left, next to the search bar, go to companies, or click here.
- Then, select E-1 and/or E-2 in the visa filter on the left side of your desktop, or by clicking on the “search” icon on your phone to see the filter options. Make sure you only select at least one of those two types of visas. Can’t select an E-1 or E-2 visa from your visa list? Check out here what to do.
And you are all set! It will show you all companies of your nationality based in the USA. To be more specific, you can refine your search by location, industry, etc. There is more information on how to do that here.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure you complete your profile first by selecting your country of nationality. If you haven’t yet, check here for instructions.
Why Should I Filter for E-1 or E-2 Visas to Get the Companies of My Nationality?
You can only be sponsored for an E-1 or E-2 essential employee visa by a company with the same nationality as you. Only those two visas have that constraint; all others do not.
This means that you absolutely do not need to filter for companies of your nationality if you do not want an E-1 or E-2 visa.
Why Not Target Companies Related to My Nationality?
You have to target companies of your nationality to get an E-1 or E-2 visa. You simply don’t have any other choice.
However, if you are not aiming for one of those two types of visas, or if you are not eligible for them, you absolutely do not need to target companies related to your nationality. Use this as leverage!
If you do search for companies related to your nationality in order to enroll in a specific program such as a “VIE”, check first on what visas are accepted for the program. If an E-1 or E-2 visa is not required, why stick with the program when you can have more choices of companies and open positions with the visa otherwise?
For example, the “VIE” (a program for French-speaking European people) requires a J-1 trainee or intern visa. You absolutely do not need to find a French company to get this type of visa and get hired in the USA for up to 18 months.
Apart from looking for companies of your nationality for an E-1 or E-2 visa, it’s a really great idea to target companies that hire people of your citizenship instead.
Working for a company that has hired people of your citizenship in the past has its advantages: you have the same culture as some of the employees, you speak the same language, and the company may have a good relationship with your native country, which can help you get hired. To figure out how to find those companies, click here.
Troubleshooting: I Cannot Select an E-1 and/or E-2 Visa – I Don’t See Them in My List
This means that you are not eligible for an E1 or E2 visa. Don’t panic, though! You might be eligible for a J1, an H1B, or even another visa.
In that case, you absolutely do not need to search for companies of your nationality. See more info on why here, and what to do instead.
What is Considered a Company with a Foreign Nationality in USponsor Me?
There are two components that define a company with the same nationality as your own in USponsor Me:
- The investor(s) has the same nationality as you and own(s) a minimum of 50% of the shares of the company.
- The company is constantly creating an exchange of goods or services between the United States and your country of origin, and this exchange represents more than 50% of the volume of its international trade.
The first criteria defines companies that can sponsor for the E-2 visa. The second one defines the companies that can sponsor for the E-1 visa.
List of Companies in America That Have Already Hired and Sponsored People of My Citizenship
Companies That Have already Hired and Sponsored People of My Citizenship
- In the top left, next to the search bar, go to companies, or click here.
- Then, select « 1 & More » in the counter “number of people from [your country] sponsored in the past“.
And it will give you the whole list of companies based in the United States that have already hired and sponsored one or several people of your citizenship in the past.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure you complete your profile first by selecting your country of nationality. If you haven’t yet, check here for instructions.
Newbie on USponsor Me?
In order to have access to companies of your nationality at the click of a button, you have to set up your USponsor Me account first. It takes only 3 minutes to do it:
- Sign up for Usponsor Me.
- From your dashboard, complete your profile by clicking on the link in this note below.
This is where you have to be precise about your country of citizenship. Based on that information, it will calculate the visa types you may be eligible for and match you with the right companies.
Once these steps are done, the system will calculate and show you which visas are the most appropriate for you based on your profile. Then, you will be able to filter for the E-1 and E-2 visas as explained above.
More info about how to get started with USponsor Me here.
To Go Further…
You can refine your search above by filtering for a specific industry and/or location (you can either enter a state, territory, or city and use the radius if you want to extend your search around the city).
You can also filter to find the job you are looking for by typing your targeted job title or keywords in the top search bar.
Also, you have access to other recruiting history counters of each company, such as:
- How many visas they have sponsored for each kind of visa,
- When was the last time they have sponsored an employee,
- How many people they have sponsored for a similar job to the currently open job.
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