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American visas: work visas and exchange visas

U.S. Visas

Below are the visa categories we cover that allow U.S. noncitizens to work in the United States. We cover employment-based immigrant and non-immigrant visas and the exchange visitor category. Click on the visa category for more information and job openings for this category. Check your eligibility if you need help determining what U.S. job opportunities

EB3 visa

EB-3 – Permanent Unskilled Workers

Visa Information & Characteristics The EB-3 visa is an employment-based immigrant visa category that allows foreign workers to live in the United States and obtain permanent residency (Green Card). The “unskilled worker” subcategory is for persons performing unskilled labor requiring less than 2 years of training or experience that is not temporary or seasonal. Eligibility

H2B and H2A Visas for seasonal workers

H-2B & H-2A – Temporary Workers

Visa Information & Characteristics The H-2A and H-2B are the same visas except for eligibility. If we do not specify H-2A or H-2B below, the visa is valid for both. Eligibility You, your entity, and the employment type should be eligible to petition for an H-2 B or H-2A. Candidate’s Requirements Workers from those 70+

Comment obtenir le visa E1 ?

E-1 & E-2 – Essential Employees

Important notice before reading this post: nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice only for educational purposes. Those are the first visas Max and I got when we moved to the U.S. I had an E1 essential employee visa, and Max had an E2 essential employee visa (after his H1B was not

TN Visa for NAFTA Professionals

TN – NAFTA Professionals

30,000 TN visas have been delivered in 2019. The TN visa is a U.S. visa category for NAFTA professionals. Eligibility To petition for a TN, you and the position offered should be eligible. Occupation’s Requirements The TN occupation should be part of the NAFTA occupations list. You and the entity should have an employer-employee relationship

H-1B Visa

H-1B & H-1B1 – Specialty Occupations

The H-1B and the H-1B1 are the same U.S. visas except for the candidate’s eligibility and the duration of the visa process. If we do not specify H-1B1 below, it is also valid for H-1B1. Common Misconceptions H1B Eligibility You, your entity, and the position offered should be eligible to petition for an H-1 B

How Did We Find US-Based Sponsor Companies?

You may know that sponsor companies only represent 10% of all companies in the United States. Many of you have been asking us how we found the 400K+ sponsor companies (all of which you can access here) based in the USA that hire foreigners and offer them visa sponsorship. We never found such a list

What are the job opportunities in the USA for foreigners?

Did you already ask yourself: why me and not an American Citizen? Here, I will show you all the job opportunities you can get in the USA as a foreigner or an international student. Given our experience, I know how you feel about how hard it is to find a job as a foreigner or international student

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